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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Kombucha?
    Kombucha is a tart, fizzy beverage made from sweet, sugary black or green teas. A symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) is added to the sweet tea. During fermentation, the yeasts convert sugars into ethanol, and the bacteria feed upon the ethanol, producing beneficial acetic acids. The result is a carbonated, low sugar beverage with a pleasant tart/sour flavour. History While there’s some mystery surrounding the exact dates and locations of kombucha’s emergence, one thing is for sure: it was considered a highly revered ‘elixir of life’, enjoyed for its detoxifying and energising properties. Some say that it first appeared in the Qin Dynasty, 220 B.C, while others claim it was Dr Kombu, a Korean doctor, who brought it to Japan to aid the health of and heal the digestive issues of Emperor Inkyo.
  • How does Kombucha taste?
    Tart, tangy and naturally effervescent with a hint of apple and citrus fruit flavours.
  • Is Kombucha for me?
    Kombucha is for everybody. Even if you’re not so interested in its many health benefits and qualities, it’s a great alternative to sugary pop or alcoholic beverages. Through the art of fermentation, kombucha produces live cultures, acetic acids, B vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes, which aid digestion and contribute to better health. Like many fermented foods, people may enjoy some kombuchas for their probiotic properties.
  • Is there alcohol in kombucha?
    Like most fermented foods or even over-ripe fruits, kombucha contains trace amounts of alcohol that do not enter the bloodstream. Alcohol is an important food source of bacteria and helps preserve the kombucha against dangerous microorganisms.
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